Welcome to the Pruittfamily.com Website

We're glad you stopped by.  Click on the family members to see their sites.
Katie's more recent pictures can be seen by clicking on Jane, Chuck or Jenny

See also these Pruitt family related sites and pages below:

Faith and Courage - this is France's story of her

family's hiding during World War II.You can buy

 the book on Amazon for Kindle or in papaerback.

Watch France give a talk on YouTube about her

spiritual journey as a Quaker. The talk was given

at the Bethesda Friends Meeting on 02/09/2014.

Part I - 23:08

Part II - 23:27

Part III - 23:27 

Pruitt Family Tree - this is three pages of 11 X 17

Pruitt/Prewitt family trees going back to 1616 and

 Thomas Prewitt, who came from Salisbury England

to America.  See the surprising link on page 3.

Juliard Photos - these are pictures of France's

family taken before during and after the war.

Washington Stamps Company -

this is Dean's stamp dealership.

International Education Associates - this is France's

 International Education company's Web page.

S2 Services - this is Paul's virtual Helpdesk service.